
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hot Wheels XB Falcon Coupe - review

After some months of waiting, the Hot Wheels XB Falcon Coupe is now on the shelves. It is an attractive model, not without flaws, but a nice car to have in your collection.
Lack of detail is obvious, grille is inaccurate and so are rear lights. Note some paint issues on the spoiler. This is common across several examples I have. 
The stance is good, and the lines are right. 
You have to ask yourself why Hot Wheels choose to highlight the fuel cap and side indicator, yet skimp on the rear lights and an accurate grille. A few dots of paint and I would be happ(ier) Mr Hot Wheels. 
Base is lightly detailed. 
Hot Wheels XB Falcon Coupe with a Biante Minicars BA XR8 Falcon
Hot Wheels XB Falcon, Matchbox EF Falcon, Matchbox AU Falcon

Im extremely happy that Hot Wheels have finally made the XB Coupe, it fits nicely in their Muscle range, and fortunately, apart from the wheels they haven't gone too far overboard into caricature. Once they solve the paint quality and tampo register issues it will be an exquisite car. Now its in the lineup, we can expect to see it produced in many different liveries into the future. Im guessing a Cobra version cant be far off.

To the rating:
Hot Wheels XB Falcon Coupe

Quality  5
Design    7
Colours   7
X-factor  7

Rating: 26/40

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